Wandile Cele – Electrocom

Wandile Cele – Electrocom

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About This Design

My work is inspired by the ongoing power situation in South Africa, where unexpected and frequent power cuts have become a daily challenge, not so much now but in some areas that's still the case. The aim of this project was to create a company, Electrocom, that stands as a beacon of change, promising uninterrupted power for everyone in the country.

The design process and inspiration draw heavily on humor and lighthearted campaigns, tapping into the unique South African spirit of finding humor in serious situations. This approach helps to connect with the audience on an emotional level, creating a relatable and engaging brand experience.

The campaign playfully teases the competition without being direct or overly conspicuous, yet remains easily recognizable and impactful. I chose a simple and minimal aesthetic, ensuring the designs are easy to understand at a glance and appealing to a broad audience in terms of functionality and readability.

Published On: September 2, 2024Categories: ,

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