Thulaganyo Khumalo – CNAZ

Thulaganyo Khumalo – CNAZ

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About This Design

I used iconography for the logo to ensure it could be applied across multiple media platforms. This logo is sharp and masculine, designed to reflect the terrible reign of the CNAZ. The choice of colours speaks to human psychology: red signifies danger and unease, while black conveys a similar sense of foreboding. These colours effectively communicate the nature of the CNAZ organization.

I aimed to create a design that encapsulates a population unwilling to bow down to the CNAZ. They publicly voice their dissent, even as the military attempts to silence them. In their rebellion, they vote against the regime, tired of watching their country being run into the ground. The CNAZ is all-powerful and relentless, determined to strip everything away from the people. This is vividly portrayed in the depiction of explosions and the military bulldozing everything in its path. On the other side, a leader bravely speaks out against the atrocities being committed.

It’s like having a tyrant run the country through military force, with the inhabitants rising up to resist this tyranny.

Published On: August 21, 2024Categories:

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