Seenatso Riba – Electrocom
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About This Design
My design is inspired by the whole process of how energy is created in electricity. This framework is repeated throughout the design by using design elements to communicate the purpose of the brand by using colours, shapes and icons related to electricity.
The 'corporate' approach to colours gives it a professional and less playful look. The logo as a whole, is a 2 point plug which is inserted into a 2 way plug socket. The 'E' is a representation of the 2 way socket. The 'C' is a representation of the 2 point plug, and the energy symbol represents the electric 'energy created' once the plug is inserted into the socket.
The main colours that I went with are from shades of the 2 main wires (positive and negative) that is needed for electrical energy creation. NEUTRAL WIRE which is blue and the LIVE wire which is brown. The light bulb imagery used throughout my designs are sourced and paid for (safe for copyright) and was the best way for me to visually represent the energy created. The images are high resolution which means that product quality will be maintained for large format printing.
I stumbled across this competition on my Facebook in July and have been working on the brief for a month now. I was also inspired by other entries and winner's and used them as a guide to see what I should follow and avoid to be considered a finalist.
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