Natasza Hattingh – The Limited G

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Natasza Hattingh – The Limited G

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About This Design

Euphoria. It's something we crave and only lasts for a limited time. Ideas and great vibes flow throughout the crowd like inspiration to create a beautiful piece of art or harmonious politics, where we all feel like winners. If only we can stay on this high all the time.

I created this design with the intent of showcasing the euphoria we feel when we do good for ourselves and others. Some will say we are a cult or bunch of hippies but we don't CARE. We are free from violence and hate, from greed that strips us from living in the world we hunger for. WE INSPIRE, WE CREATE, WE LIVE and WE LOVE. We know it's not going to last and the outside greed will shut us down, and block us from expressing ourselves.

Published On: February 29, 2024Categories: ,

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