Ben Francis Reinecke – Omnipotent G

Ben Francis Reinecke – Omnipotent G

Designed By

Ben Francis


About This Design

I have designed a T-shirt for OmniPotent G, a t-shirt that expresses everything the company stands for with a South African Touch. the front of the T-Shirt features an African elephant which is known symbolically for it's incredible memory and wisdom by traditional San and Khoi Tribes within South Africa. with the Back of the T-shirt expressing not only the pain and suffering felt by elephants through poaching, but the personal impact those around us can have. This t-shirt is intended to be a Shirt worn by the people and employees of OmniPotent G as a declaration of the values and efforts the Company stands for. I Have also taken the liberty of using my own mockup as I Believe an oversized look suits this t-shirt better. let me know what you think, i'd be happy to share my process book of this design. The tag of the T-Shirt is represented by "Isaga" (The imaginary company that designed this) Which means Proverb in isiZulu.

Published On: April 29, 2024Categories:

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