There is one month left to win your share of R23,000 in monthly cash prizes and be crowned the ultimate graphic designer who can win R210,000 in Roland’s Wrap2TheMax design competition.

The final day to enter is 30 August 2024 at 5pm.

Pick ONE of the following briefs for your design. 
You can enter as many times as you like.

No responsibility, nor pain, only your happiness is our aim. We take care of charity, health and everything in between. No need for gods, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. That is so has-been.

No arguments nor debates, dissenters humiliated, distanced and suppressed. We eliminate the fuss as we dispatch them on a bus.

We watch your every second, we know before the time about your crime. No reasons given, our rules and regulations prevent treason.

Big media in our pocket, confusion, division is their game, race, gender anything they can find. Big business has our back, put you on an extortion rack. Bureaucrats nanny you, they decide who is sacrificed to help humanity.

The Promise:
Pavlov dogs we make of you, salivating for what we loot from hardworking creative folks. One percent we might consider to share with you. Subterfuge and sadism our ruse, our criminality we blame on them and you.

Our experts know what’s best for you, Obedience, gratitude and loyalty we demand of you.

Responsible for yourself, your partner, your family and those who you identify need assistance. Understanding that all have empathy, compassion and love in their hearts. In assisting others, rewards are multiplied, a hand up not a hand out. Courage, virtue, and moderation your true happiness, conquering fears and dangerous exciting frontiers.

Dissent, discussion, debate, a maturity of understanding is our strive. Innovation, sometimes uncomfortable. We should not forget that kindergarten is our destination if new ideas and questioning are disallowed.

Limited coercion on rare occasions. Judges appointed to keep us in constitutional lines. Foster cooperation, innovation and finding common ground. Upon our corruption.justice and mercy balance the scales of our condemnation.

Individual sovereigns pledge us limited power, for limited time. Our abuse, terminates your submit.

Freedom to learn your lessons in your own time. Your exclusive preserve, charity, church, business, art, innovations, discussions and dreams. Our pledge diversity, dynamism, freedom, a caring considerate society that values private property.

Water’s delicate kiss, sun’s forceful energy, life longing for life, a dance of wondrous delights, you will never be bored. Enchanted world of consciousness and mind, voluntary intentions and desires, a community of persons not a collection of dissected things.

Compassion, mutual respect, encouragement, trust and tolerance. Spontaneous order through, some dangerous, some beautiful, twists and turns.

Friction we remove as you dare to live, and let live, innovating and step by step make the world more civilized. Limited G.

Do you really care who you vote for? Do you really think your vote counts? Then why waste your time on voting for the opposition when you can vote for us and line your pockets with what we plunder.’

AMUZ hid their crimes, we apologise and discard those lies. Masters of corruption there is no interruption. Teachers came from every corner of the globe, we now walk and talk with royal robe.

Aced the class, we are now top brass. Investment we turn to skeleton, demolished with our central planning marathon. To us you now be tied, terrified because we lied. Investors running scared, warriors no longer cared. Only us left with scope, no choice for you but to smoke our dope. Serfs of you we make, what others bake, we instruct you to take. Bait we offer you, your own jailer we make of you. Your thirst we tickle, water from our dams we trickle, promise to think of you as we down our vodka blue.

Rub our hands in glee, hatchet person you become, welcome to our family. Send to us all you take, we have experts to divide the cake. Trust in you we do not have, take what is ours, will send you to a cave.

Thank you comrades for your sacrifice, thank you for fitting into our vice.

1. Hand outs are what remain after party bosses have claimed their rightful share. The remainder is then divided equally with all of you.

Premium wattage delivered to your door 24/7. We supply uninterrupted power 24/7 to your home and business in South Africa. Power when you need it night or day.

Power for a hot shower or to power your machines, no mess no fuss. Your family cool, your family warm. Your computer running, your motors humming. Your friends connected, your water coming.

No demand too big or too small We planned ahead, enough plants today and expanding all the time. Standby power no need, we take the lead. No supply no charge. We pay you if our systems fail Get the power connection, performance guaranteed.

Get connected today, make your innovations omnificent, we will help you be magnificent.